CDU Board Meets About Power Struggle Around Succession Merkel
The board of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party will meet on Monday evening about the stalled power struggle among the Christian Democrats.
The Christian Democrat and Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, wants to become candidate prime minister for the party coalition of his own CSU and the CDU.
He argues that he has a lot more chances in the elections in September and that it is time to finally put forward a candidate, ‘Bundeskanzler’ from Bavaria.
The leadership of the CDU previously sided with the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU). It stated that he should become the candidate to succeed Merkel if the election results allow it.
The power struggle between the two rivals threatens to become an embarrassment to the CDU / CSU in the run-up to the elections.