China Offers Two Optional Experimental Corona Vaccines to Workers
China offers two optional experimental corona vaccines to workers who have to travel abroad for work. These are employees of some of the largest state-owned companies.
The Chinese government wants to find out more quickly about the effectiveness of the vaccines.
A race is going on worldwide for the first time to develop a vaccine against the new coronavirus successfully.
Those working outside of China can voluntarily sign up for the vaccinations developed by China National Biotec Group (CNBG), part of the pharmaceutical company Sinopharm.
The government has proposed that to the relevant companies, insiders who do not want to be mentioned by name say news agency Bloomberg. CNBG does not want to go into that.
CNBG is one of the Chinese companies participating in the vaccine race.
In total, five Chinese vaccines are currently being tested on humans. In doing so, the Chinese pharmaceutical companies are trying to compete with international biotech giants such as the British AstraZeneca and the American Moderna.
CNBG vaccinations have already been tested on 2,000 people, with no “obvious unwanted effects” yet, Sinopharm’s chairman said.