Jessica N. Widjaja, Indonesian Self-Made Billionaire to International Politics
New York, United States – Indonesia currently is focusing on young generation. As Jessica N. Widjaja is a woman who inspires. Widjaja is a self-made billionaire and is now set to become an international political figure.
When being asked about the challenge of women empowerment in Indonesia at the United Nations Headquarter in New York, Widjaja says, “ The most prominent problem for women in Indonesia is they do not believe in women. Every time women is prominent and without any political or successful entrepreneurship background often being accused as non-individual success, meaning they will always think we have someone behind us. Which is not true at all.” Widjaja has achieved a level of expertise in many areas of life and has now set her sights on politics with supporters from all walks of life.
Her supporters come from all age groups: Older Indonesians believe she can work to bring the country to greater prominence on the world stage while younger people have been inspired by her to take a more active role in Indonesia’s political life. Alongside her political ambitions, Widjaja has participated in work programs and continues to work tirelessly to increase the influence and prosperity of the country.
Widjaja is reportedly is representing Indonesia as the head of Indonesian delegation for W20 2019. The W20 is an engagement group to the G20 high level panel conference. Her influence at the W20 encouraged the Government to elevate her to head of the delegation, making her the youngest woman ever to have received this honor. At the Gala Dinner of the G20 President, alongside Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai and the Prime Minister of Japan H.E. Shinzo Abe (pictured above). It is likely that we will continue to see Widjaja at similar prestigious events.
Speaking at the UN headquarters in New York she confirmed that since becoming a billionaire she hasn’t changed her lifestyle very much. Knowing she rises to this day with a very short time, Widjaja says, “Not many people know of my status, not many.” Preferring to focus on her political life and her philanthropic activities with her own organization TGC International, which is planned to be consultative status NGO to the UN ECOSOC, she remains committed to her efforts to alleviate the living conditions of those less fortunate and to increase their opportunities to have a better life.