Russia: Nothing Has Been Decided Yet About the Start of Peace Talks in Ukraine

Putin Did Not Watch the Biden – Trump Debate

Russian President Putin did not watch the latest debate between US candidates Trump and Biden during the night from Thursday to Friday, according to his spokesman, his spokesman said.


The Kremlin regrets, according to a statement, that the election campaign in the US is so similar to one who hates Russia most.

The government regrets that and leaves it to the Americans whom they elect as president on November 3, a statement said.

In the United States, since the last presidential election, there has been much discussion about alleged Russian interference in American elections.

After the Democrats lost the 2016 presidential election to candidate Hillary Clinton, reports continued to emerge that Republican Trump would not have won fair, but that he had conspired with Russians to do so.

This conspiracy theory has only been disproved after years. Still, since then Russia has been referred to by Democrats and Republicans alike as a power that secretly wants to influence the choice of American voters.

Trump, whose wife speaks Russian, previously had much to do with Russia as a businessman and in his enthusiasm, he once launched a Trump Vodka in Moscow himself.

Trump was initially on good terms with Putin as president. He seemed to see him as a conservative and autocratic example, but the relationship has now cooled off.

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