Tesla Warns Employees In A Letter Not To Leak Information
Tesla Warns employees in a letter not to Leak Information. Tesla employees must stop leaking information to the press and competitors, according to an email leaked.
“Because we are so successful, we continue to attract the attention of people who want to see us fail,” the tech team’s security team writes in the email.
The team then informs Tesla employees of confidentiality agreements in their contracts.
The email ends with a list of examples of employees who have leaked information and the consequences that affected employees,
ranging from dismissal to criminal charges by Tesla.
In some cases, it is about passing on information to rivals, but the letter also mentions leaks to the media.
Several unknown sources within the company confirmed that the email was indeed sent.
In recent weeks, Tesla has been in the news regularly,
mainly in the United States, due to leaks about employee policy and problems with business partners.