The French Make A Massive Prick Appointment After Tightening Corona Rules
More than 900,000 French people made a prick appointment on Monday evening after the corona measures were tightened in the country.
President Emmanuel Macron announced that a so-called health card will be needed in more places and that some professions will be subject to a vaccination obligation.
The changes in corona policy follow as the number of corona infections rises, and the vaccination rate slows down. A record number of people have scheduled a corona vaccination after Macron’s announcement, double the previous record on March 11.
A health card shows that someone has been vaccinated or tested negative. This will be mandatory from July 21 at major events and August in the catering industry, cinemas, and long-distance trains. In addition, healthcare personnel and people who contact risk groups through their work must be vaccinated. Anyone who does not do this before September 15 is not allowed to work and will not be paid.
Half of the French population has now had a first corona jab. That’s 35.5 million people. About 27 million French people have had all the necessary shots and are therefore fully vaccinated.