Trump: Space is the Newest Battlefield in the World
In the new US defence budget, more than 630 billion euros in total, space has been made available for a new power: Space Force. President Trump calls space the newest battlefield in the world.
The space force or Space Force is the first new branch of the American army in more than 70 years. Space Force does not, however, become a separate part of the armed forces, the division will be transferred to the Air Force.
“A lot is going to happen in space,” President Trump said at the official launch. “Space is the newest battlefield in the world. If our national security is threatened, it is essential that we remain superior in space. “
According to Trump, the US is already the strongest in space. But the US lead is not big enough. That will change with this space power, he says. Trump is particularly wary of the Chinese efforts in space.
The budget of the space power is not very large by American standards: 36 million euros. For comparison: the US Army has 163 billion euros per year.
It is not the intention that American soldiers are actually sent to space; it is mainly about protecting American communication and surveillance satellites in space. Also, the famous space shield (against nuclear attacks) is not part of this.
A total of 16,000 people will work for the space force.
That there is also criticism of the Space Force is not surprising. Opponents say that the new power only takes over a task from the air force and, above all, will create more bureaucracy.