Eurozone Overgrowth Peak According To Top Woman IMF

Eurozone Overgrowth Peak according to Top Woman IMF. Economic growth in the eurozone is over its peak. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will soon lower its expectation of 2.4 percent growth for 2018 for the euro area “a little”, said IMF top woman Christine Lagarde.


Lagarde advises the Netherlands and Germany to do something about their trade surpluses.

The IMF reviews the euro area annually and presents the results to the Eurogroup, the finance ministers of the euro countries meeting in Luxembourg on Thursday. Lagarde warned of progress that could threaten the economy in the eurozone.

These are mainly a trade war with the United States and the lack of progress in discussions on the departure of Britain from the EU.

The eurozone can arm itself better by building in fiscal buffers, reshaping the labour market more quickly, investing more and reducing the stock of ‘bad’ loans on bank balance sheets.

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