ACM: Health Insurers Have To Present Basic Insurances More Clearly
ACM: Health Insurers have to Present basic Insurances more Clearly. Health insurers should present their range of basic insurance policies in a much more precise manner.
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACNM) and the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) mention in their research that consumers now pay millions too much for their healthcare policy.
According to the regulators, it is complicated for consumers to compare the necessary policies with each other, making them difficult to make the right choice.
It is partly because insurers often give the impact that policies differ a lot from each other, while they are very similar. Consumers also run into hard-to-find or confusing information.
The regulators estimate that 9.8 million premium payers can be cheaper. They call on insurers and policymakers to make comparing and choosing a policy easier.