Russia is Absent from Highest UN Court on Ukraine

Moscow: It’s Too Early to Plan A Biden-Putin Summit

It is too early to organize a summit between US and Russian presidents, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, according to the Kremlin. A government spokesman said Monday after reports that a Biden-Putin summit could be coming soon.


“There is agreement that the dialogue should continue at the level of foreign ministers, but talking about concrete plans for a summit is premature,” the spokesman said.

According to the French government, the United States and Russia have “in principle” agreed to a summit between the two leaders. French President Emmanuel Macron proposed the summit after he called Putin for a second time in one day on Sunday.

The summit should temper escalating tensions over Ukraine. Western countries accuse Russia of wanting to invade Ukraine. The US, in particular, is spreading alarming messages. The US embassy in Moscow on Sunday called on American citizens in the country to make evacuation plans because there would be a threat of attacks in Moscow and along the Russian border with Ukraine.

The US has written to the United Nations that it has “credible information” that Russia has compiled lists of Ukrainians “to be killed or sent to camps” after its occupation of the country. In the letter leaked to the media, the US claims that Russia has plans that include torture, kidnappings, and “widespread human suffering” after invading Ukraine. The plans are said to target “opponents of the Russian actions”.

Moscow calls the letter about the plans “a complete lie” and also does not understand what the US is basing the threat of attacks in Russia on.

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