Vatican: Pope's Gay Statements No New Church Doctrine

Pope Calls for the Registered Partnership for Homosexuals

Pope Francis calls for registered partnerships for gay couples. He does that in a documentary. The 83-year-old prelate seldom spoke so explicitly about gay rights.


“Gay couples have the right to form a family. They are God’s children and have the right to a family.

No one should be expelled from a family or lead an unhappy life,” said the Pope in director Evgeni Afineevsky’s documentary Francesco. . “We have to introduce registered partnership. That way, their rights are protected.”

Registered partnership is legal recognition of a relationship between persons. Sometimes countries that do not open marriage to gays introduce this type of cohabitation contract.

In 2016, Italy was the last country in the European Union to introduce registered partnerships for people of the same sex. Same-sex marriage has not been legalized.

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