VMBO Maastricht

Primary Schools in South Limburg Are In Worries

Primary schools in South Limburg In Worries for VMBO Maastricht. Primary schools in Zuid-Limburg are very concerned about the state of affairs at the Limburg secondary education foundation (LVO), which includes the VMBO Maastricht that has fallen into disgrace.


Chairman Peter Groos of the Board of Directors of Kom Leren, a dome of twenty primary schools in South Limburg, said on Saturday that there are even ideas for setting up a secondary school in Maastricht, says Hope News.

Because outside the LVO there are no alternatives in the Limburg capital.

Our attention goes beyond VMBO Maastricht, Groos emphasised in response to news coverage in De Limburger daily newspaper. If the LVO does not solve the problems, will be hard to help.

There is no alternative for students in Maastricht unless they move to Gulpen, Valkenburg or Belgium.

LVO stopped pre-university education, HAVO and VMBO in 2012 in separate buildings. A sad thing, says Groos.

We have said before: there must be at least two broad school communities in Maastricht.

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