Setback CureVac Does Not Stand in the Way of German Vaccination Campaign
According to the Ministry of Health, the low effectiveness of the German corona vaccine CVnCoV from pharmaceutical company CureVac in the most recent test does not pose a problem for the German vaccination campaign.
The drug is 47 percent effective against the coronavirus, significantly lower than the 70 percent desired by the World Health Organization (WHO).
A ministry spokesman said the vaccination campaign would continue as planned. Germany has ordered many doses of the drug and has enough other vaccines to vaccinate the German population. The Netherlands has ordered 8.7 million doses from CureVac.
Health Minister Jens Spahn said earlier that CVnCoV would not be necessary to complete the current round of vaccinations. The pharmaceutical company hoped to be able to supply vaccines from the autumn.
Germany and many other European countries, such as the Netherlands, want everyone who wants to have already vaccinated against the coronavirus. The CureVac vaccine could then be used for the next round, if necessary.