Studies Confirm Once Again: Corona Vaccines Safe for Pregnant Women
Corona vaccines are safe to use by pregnant women. This has been clearly confirmed by studies of approximately 65,000 pregnant women, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Dutch medicine authority MEB report.
The regulators cite fourteen scientific studies on the subject. This shows that the vaccines studied from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna do not cause health problems in pregnant women and their unborn babies. Mild side effects such as arm pain, fatigue, headaches or chills are just as common in pregnant women as they are in other people.
“The studies confirm that the corona vaccines do not pose a risk of miscarriages, premature births or other problems in unborn babies,” summarizes the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB). However, the safety of the other corona vaccines during pregnancy is still being assessed.
When the corona vaccines first came on the market, whether they were safe for pregnant women was not yet known. When that became clear afterwards, some doubt remained. However, several studies last year made it clear that not vaccinating actually leads to higher risks for pregnant women and their unborn babies.
It is not yet clear whether there is a difference in risks for pregnant women between the delta variant and the omikron variant, which has recently become the most common. However, in general, research shows that omikron leads to serious illness much less often than delta.