Kyiv Withdraws Accreditation from CNN and Sky News Journalists for Reporting from Kherson

Kyiv Withdraws Accreditation from CNN and Sky News Journalists for Reporting from Kherson

Ukraine has withdrawn the accreditation of some Western journalists over their reporting from recently liberated Kherson. The army announced this on Monday.

“Lately, some media representatives have ignored existing bans and warnings,” the staff said via Facebook. “They started reporting from Kherson without the permission of military leaders and the relevant PR departments before the stabilization measures were completed.”

It is still unclear which journalists are involved, although according to various sources, at least six correspondents from CNN and Sky News are involved. In addition, two journalists from the Ukrainian internet channel Hromadske are said to have lost their accreditation for the same reason. That says the Ukrainian media group Detector media.

After the Russian army withdrew from northwestern Kherson late last week, Ukraine is cautiously taking over the city again. President Volodymyr Zelenski said earlier that mine-sweeping in the region is a priority.

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