Australia Aims to be Carbon Neutral by 2050
Australia aims to be carbon neutral by 2050, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced. This means that Australia will not emit more CO2 than it absorbs. However, the climate target is not enshrined in legislation.
The target comes after international criticism in the run-up to the climate summit that starts at the end of this month in Glasgow after Morrison previously refused to come up with a climate target. Australia is one of the largest producers of gas and coal and is also one of the most polluting countries globally.
The Prime Minister says Australia will largely achieve the target with technological developments. The government will release 20 billion Australian dollars for this.
Critics speak of a weak plan, partly because the government will depend on consumers and companies to reduce emissions. They also say that Australia cannot continue to rely on exports of coal and gas, as demand is shrinking, and workers in those sectors must prepare for it rather than leave it to their own devices.
On the same day Morrison announced the climate target, residents of two islands off Australia’s north coast filed charges against his government. They believe that not enough has been done to combat climate change, which means that their homes are now threatened by floods and storms, among other things.