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EU Urges China to Declare Hong Kong Autonomy

The European Union calls on China not to take any action to undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, including in the area of human rights.


EU foreign chief Josep Borrell states that in a statement on behalf of the member states on the day that the Hong Kong police arrested dozens of people protesting against Chinese security laws that would give Beijing more power over the metropolis.

The EU reiterates its deep concern for the law and attaches great importance to the high degree of autonomy Hong Kong enjoys under international agreements.

It is “essential” that the existing rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents, including freedom of expression and demonstration, be respected as China has previously assured, the statement said.

The law threatens to seriously undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy and violate the rule of law and independence from the rule of law, the statement said.

This jeopardizes the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, also affecting “vital interests” of the EU and the international community.

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