Ukraine's Agricultural Exports Rise, But Remain Below 2021 Level

Ukrainian Farmers Sow Agricultural Crops Almost Everywhere

The Ukrainian government says that Ukrainian farmers are sowing crops in almost all parts of the country despite constant bombing from Russia.


Only in the eastern region of Luhansk is that not possible, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmihal. Russian troops are almost completely in control of that area.

According to the prime minister, the government has provided cheap loans to the agricultural sector of 3.5 billion hryvnias (almost €110 million). “We help the farmers.” Civil servants also help by simplifying specific administrative procedures. “We do this so that the sowing and work in the field never come to a standstill,” says Shimihal.

Ukraine is one of the world’s top grain producers, but there are growing concerns about a massive crop failure as Russia continues to bomb its neighbour. A failed harvest can lead to shortages and price increases in international agricultural markets.

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